
The Last Picture Show


Galerie SAW Gallery


Frank Cole, Allen Deleary, Luc Desjardins, Mike Dubue, Rah Eleh, Donna James, Ramses Madina, Caroline Monnet, Rehab Nazzal, Andrée Préfontaine, Meredith Snider and Bear Witness


Jason St-Laurent

From its inception in the early 1970s, Galerie SAW Gallery has embraced video as a distinctive and transformative medium that offers new perspectives in art. In the 1980s, with the advent of affordable and portable equipment, Galerie SAW Gallery founded SAW Video, giving access to this new form of expression to artists in the region. Spanning three decades of artistic production, THE LAST PICTURE SHOW brought together some of Ottawa-Gatineau’s most singular media artists for the last exhibition to be held in SAW’s current space. The exhibition included a special tribute to legendary documentary filmmaker Frank Cole in SAW’s project room.

Produced by Galerie SAW Gallery with the support of SAW Video and the Ottawa Art Gallery